Back British Basketball


British Basketball game attendance was low. And Team GB needed to qualify for the 2012 Olympics.


Back British Basketball, a grass-roots quest to build the fan-club Team GB had never had. Inspiring them to qualify, and hugely increasing game attendance.


Writer, Art Director.

By hitting the streets, raising awareness at a community level, and hustling we created a Back British Basketball documentary, short films, campaign website, daily social content, merchandise, editorial content, digital advertising, chant sheets, games posters, a music track, and a fan network called the Balldogs. All of which came together to increase the crowds at Team GB games.

The Balldogs were loved by, and energised the players. We created a series of British chants. 

The campaign captivated the British basketball community. In 2 months we had 4000 subscribers, and over 60k views. We were featured in international newspapers and websites, interviewed on Channel 4 and built an awareness around Team GB that had never been seen before. We also inspired the loudest crowds ever seen at Team GB games.


A track we created for part of the Back British Basketball grass roots campaign